Renae Loh

researcher of
▷ socio-digital inequalities,


I'm currently a Research Fellow at the Centre for Trusted Internet and Community at the National University of Singapore, where I research digital resilience.I hold a PhD in Sociology. My dissertation, entitled Copy Paste? Digital skills, social reproduction, and social mobility in education is showcased under PhD work.My research interests revolve around social, digital and educational inequality, youths, information communication technology (ICT) and their policy implications.Notable research:
Loh, R. S. M., Kraaykamp, G., & van Hek, M. (2025). Plugging in at school: Do schools nurture digital skills and narrow digital skills inequality?. Computers & Education, 226, 105195.
Loh, R. S. M., Kraaykamp, G., & van Hek, M. (2023). Student ICT resources and intergenerational transmission of educational inequality: testing implications of a reproduction and mobility perspective. European Sociological Review, jcad008.
Video abstract:

Renae Loh

Journal articles

  • Loh, R. S. M., Kraaykamp, G., & Van Hek, M. (2023). Do students’ ICT skills pay off in math performance? Examining the moderating role of countries’ ICT promotive environment. European Educational Research Journal, 14749041231201197.

  • Loh, R. S. M., Kraaykamp, G., & van Hek, M. (2023). Student ICT resources and intergenerational transmission of educational inequality: testing implications of a reproduction and mobility perspective. European Sociological Review, jcad008.

  • Chang, L., Li, P., Loh, R. S. M., & Chua, THH (2019). A study of Singapore adolescent girls' selfie practices, peer appearance comparisons, and body esteem on Instagram. Body Image , 29 , 90-99.

  • Pham, B., & Loh, R. S. M. (2019). Conducting fieldwork on children and media: Comparing research in Singapore and Vietnam. Journal of Children and Media, 13(4), 494–497.

  • Li, P., Chang, L., Chua, THH, & Loh, R. S. M. (2018). "Likes" as KPI: An examination of teenage girls' perspective on peer feedback on Instagram and its influence on coping response. Telematics and Informatics , 35 (7), 1994-2005.

Book chapters

  • Lim, S. S., & Loh, S. M. (2019). Young people, smartphones, and invisible illiteracies. Polson, E.; Clark, LS; Gajjala, R.(ed.), The Routledge companion to media and class, 132-141.

Encyclopedia entries

  • Loh, R. S. M., & Lim, S. S. (2019). Media Literacy in Singapore. In The International Encyclopedia of Media Literacy (pp. 1–7). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Inc.

  • Loh, R. S. M., & Lim, S. S. (2019). Youth Digital Culture. In The International Encyclopedia of Media Literacy (pp. 1–9). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Inc.

  • Loh, R. S. M., & Lim, S. S. (2018). Deviance, the Media and. In G. Ritzer (Ed.), The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology (pp. 1–4). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Professional publications and technical reports

  • Savelkoul., M., Van Groenestijn, P., Scheepers, P., Loh, R. & Eisinga, R. (2023). RSCR Data Guide SOCON 2021. Social and Cultural Developments in the Netherlands 2021. Documentation of a National Survey on Social Cohesion and Modernization. Nijmegen, Radboud Social Cultural Research.

  • Savelkoul, M., Van Groenestijn, P., Scheepers, P., Loh, R. & Eisinga, R. (2023). RSCR Data Guide SOCON 2022. Social and Cultural Developments in the Netherlands 2022. Documentation of a National Survey on Social Cohesion and Modernization. Nijmegen, Radboud Social Cultural Research.

Book reviews

  • Loh, S. M. (2016). Book review: Intimacy at work: How digital media bring private life to the workplace. Mobile Media & Communication, 4(3), 426-427.

Other publications

  • Loh, R. S. M. (2022, November 8). New tech, old disparities: Digital opportunities for young people aren’t as equal as they seem [Online]. The Sociological Review Magazine.

  • Loh, R. S. M. (2018). The car sharing type: Profiling car sharing adopters in terms of sociodemographics and psychographics. Social Influence and disruptive Low Carbon Innovations (SILCI). Part of an internship with Social Influence and disruptive Low Carbon Innovations (SILCI) Project

Conference presentations

Nederlandse Sociologie Vereniging (NSV) Dag van de Sociologie, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherland, 17 JUN.
Nederlandse Sociologie Vereniging (NSV) Dag van de Sociologie, University of Ghent, Ghent, Belgium, 25 MAY.
European Consortium for Sociological Research (ECSR) Annual Conference, Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic, 18-20 SEP.
Thematic workshop: Technological Change, Digitalization and Life Course. European Consortium for Sociological Research, Online, 3-4 FEB
International Sociological Association (ISA) Research Cluster 28 (RC28) - Social Stratification conference, London School of Economics, United Kingdom, 21 - 23 APR
Nederlandse Sociologie Vereniging (NSV) Dag van de Sociologie, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands, 16 JUN
Nederlandse Sociologie Vereniging (NSV) Dag van de Sociologie, Online, 10 JUN
European Sociological Association (ESA) 15th Conference, Online, 31 AUGUST - 3 SEP
ECSR Annual Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1-3 JUL 2020 [Online, cancelled]
Interuniversity Center for Social Science Theory and Methodology (ICS) Forum Day, Online, 12 - 13 NOV
Interuniversity Center for Social Science Theory and Methodology (ICS) Forum Day, Groningen, The Netherlands, 20 DEC

Renae Loh

Copy Paste? Digital skills, social reproduction, and social mobility in education
In today's digitalized education landscape, students' digital skills are crucial for academic success and accessing opportunities. This importance is reflected in discussions from parents to policymakers. However, there's debate on whether these skills perpetuate social inequality or facilitate social mobility. This dissertation explores digital skills inequality among adolescent students, focusing on socioeconomic and gender inequality. Drawing from sociology, media and communications, and gender scholarship, the dissertation investigates how these inequalities persist across home, school, and national contexts. While findings highlight the reproduction of social inequality through digital skills, they also reveal avenues for social mobility, often facilitated by supportive social networks.

Renae Loh

Copy Paste? Digital skills, social reproduction, and social mobility in education
In today's digitalized education landscape, students' digital skills are crucial for academic success and accessing opportunities. This importance is reflected in discussions from parents to policymakers. However, there's debate on whether these skills perpetuate social inequality or facilitate social mobility. This dissertation explores digital skills inequality among adolescent students, focusing on socioeconomic and gender inequality. Drawing from sociology, media and communications, and gender scholarship, the dissertation investigates how these inequalities persist across home, school, and national contexts. While findings highlight the reproduction of social inequality through digital skills, they also reveal avenues for social mobility, often facilitated by supportive social networks.

Dissertation magazine
In English and in Dutch (begins p17)

Renae Loh

Copy Paste? Digital skills, social reproduction, and social mobility in education
In today's digitalized education landscape, students' digital skills are crucial for academic success and accessing opportunities. This importance is reflected in discussions from parents to policymakers. However, there's debate on whether these skills perpetuate social inequality or facilitate social mobility. This dissertation explores digital skills inequality among adolescent students, focusing on socioeconomic and gender inequality. Drawing from sociology, media and communications, and gender scholarship, the dissertation investigates how these inequalities persist across home, school, and national contexts. While findings highlight the reproduction of social inequality through digital skills, they also reveal avenues for social mobility, often facilitated by supportive social networks.

Dissertation game

Renae Loh

Copy Paste? Digital skills, social reproduction, and social mobility in education
In today's digitalized education landscape, students' digital skills are crucial for academic success and accessing opportunities. This importance is reflected in discussions from parents to policymakers. However, there's debate on whether these skills perpetuate social inequality or facilitate social mobility. This dissertation explores digital skills inequality among adolescent students, focusing on socioeconomic and gender inequality. Drawing from sociology, media and communications, and gender scholarship, the dissertation investigates how these inequalities persist across home, school, and national contexts. While findings highlight the reproduction of social inequality through digital skills, they also reveal avenues for social mobility, often facilitated by supportive social networks.

Video summarising:
Loh, R. S. M., Kraaykamp, G., & van Hek, M. (2023). Student ICT resources and intergenerational transmission of educational inequality: testing implications of a reproduction and mobility perspective. European Sociological Review, jcad008.

Renae Loh

Radboud University Nijmegen
with the Interuniversity Center for Social Science Theory and Methodology (ICS)

PhD candidate
Information communication technology (ICT) resources and social inequality in student performance. What roles do family-, school- and country-level factors play?, supervised by Prof. dr. Gerbert Kraaykamp and dr. Margriet van Hek
Grants received: Radboud Internationalisation travel grant for outgoing PhD, Erasmus+ Staff Mobility GrantAuxiliary work: Monthly Sociology department seminar (co-organizer), Hiring committee (PhD representative), Data visualisation workshop for Masters students (host, workshop crafter)

London School of Economics

Visiting Research Student at the Department of Media and Communications, supervised by Prof. Ellen Helsper

Utrecht University

Masters of Science (cum laude) in Sociology and Social ResearchMasters thesis: Double click - Cultural capital and educational attainment in the digital age from two perspectives, supervised by Prof. dr. Ineke Maas and dr. Antonie KniggeAuxiliary work: Student assistant to Prof. Dr. Frank van Tubergen,
Student Representative, Member of the Education Committee, Student Member on the Board of Studies (Research Masters), Organiser of the SaSR mini-conference 2018

National University of Singapore

Bachelor of Social Science (Second Upper Class Honours)
in Communications and New Media
Honours Thesis: Pedagogy and Technology: A Study of Information Communication Technology (ICT) Use in Secondary School Education in Singapore, supervised by Assoc. Prof. Cho HichangExtra-Curricular: President of NUS Communications and New Media (CNM) Student Society, Honorary Secretary of NUS CNM Student Society

Renae Loh

Radboud University

Comparative Sociological Research AY20/21, 21/22
Age-Period-Cohort (APC) analysis
1 lecture, 2 working groups
Social Inequality AY20/21, 21/22
2 lectures, 2-4 working groups
Educational inequality, health inequality, gender inequality
Data visualization AY21/22, 22/23
Designed and hosted the workshop for Masters students

National University of Singapore

Public Speaking and Critical Reasoning AY15/16, 16/17
Globalisation and New Media AY15/16, 16/17
Leadership, Organisation and New Media AY16/17
Intercultural Communication AY15/16